Could you imagine to shoot photos of motifs that show us the other (ugly) side of life?

Perhaps. I do shoot other things than young, beautiful women, but not often. In fact, most of the women in my work are hardly recognized in real life, as the beauty is in the overall image that is created, and this adds to or enhances the beauty of the subject. Not just a picture of a pretty girl, if you know what I mean? My website page has many examples of my other efforts too. However, I seem to do images of women well, or at least better than the rest, so I try to stick to what I do best. There is an old man in my neighborhood who I chat with quite often. He has wonderful blue eyes and a very expressive countenance. I've been considering asking him to sit for me, but I keep putting it off. Perhaps I don't see where the audience is or the market value there, or some such selfish thinking. But I think I would like to do it as an exercise in portraiture and for purely personal pleasure, and for whatever happiness it might bring to him.